Monday, June 18, 2007

New CDC Immunization Website

New CDC's Vaccines and Immunization Web Site CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) launched its new Vaccines & Immunization Web site this week. The site,, replaced and features a new look, a new feel, and many more resources! The Web site has changed to a topic-driven layout to make it easier for healthcare professionals, parents, and immunization partners, to quickly find accurate vaccine and immunization information. If you have suggestions or comments on the new Web site, please email them to:

Order Immunization Materials: CDC’s publication order system is now up and running. To order immunization materials, please visit (The order form is located at the bottom of the web page.) Immunization materials that are currently available include immunization schedules, CD’s, DVD’s and annual reports. More items are expected to be available in the near future.

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