Early Childhood News and Tools
Head Start Passes in Senate, Moves to Conference with House
On June 19th, the U.S. Senate passed its Head Start for School Readiness Act (S. 556). The House version of the bill, H.R. 1429, was passed on May 2nd. The differences in the two bills will be worked out in conference. The Child Welfare League of America says the bill, among other things:
Ends controversial standardized testing of 4-year-olds;
Increases the set-aside for Early Head Start;
Sets a "goal" that by September 2013, 50 percent of all center-based Head Start teachers in each state attain a Bachelor's degree.For more on the program, visit the official Head Start website.
How to Plan a Site Visit: Inviting Policymakers to See Your Work with Infants, Toddlers & Their Families
If a picture is worth a thousand words, showing someone your work firsthand can be worth even more. This advocacy tool from ZERO TO THREE helps early childhood workers learn about how site visits can connect policymakers' decisions to the faces of infants, toddlers, and families in the community.
Questions? Contact Debbie Rappaport at drappaport@zerotothree.org.For more information, join the ZERO TO THREE Policy Network (it's free). And visit the site to try out the interactive "baby brain map" and new School Readiness Interactive tools.
Supporting the Growth and Development of Babies in Child Care: What Does the Research Say?
Most infants and toddlers will spend some time in non-parental care during their early years, and research shows that secure relationships with parents and caregivers are of primary importance for cognitive, social, and emotional development. This Center for Law and Social Policy/ZERO TO THREE brief reviews existing research to make the case that state policies can promote quality early childhood experiences and promote healthy growth and development for kids in child care.
Connect for Kids: http://www.connectforkids.org/
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