Monday, October 8, 2012

Co-Parenting: In the Child’s Best Interest”

• Co-Parenting: In the Child’s Best Interest” is a four-hour custody and visitation parent education workshop is devoted to:

 Discussion of the impact of family disruption on parents and children and how to best meet the needs of children when designing and working with parenting plans.

 Helping parents learn techniques for reducing conflicts and strategies for improving communication.

 Helping parents learn to guide their children through the process of recovery, while establishing a positive, long-term relationship with the child’s other parent.

 Helping parents recognize the importance of two parents for every child and to facilitate their efforts in co-parenting.

Saturdays, November 10, 2012; December 1, 2012 (9 a.m. – 1 p.m.)

Bon Secours Mary Immaculate Hospital Health Resource Center

2 Bernardine Drive, Newport News, VA 23602 Cost: $45 (Pre-Payment Required)

This workshop helps parents comply with the requirements of Section 20-103 of the Code of Virginia. Participants must attend only one of the two sessions to meet court requirements. Certificates are given to participants completing a session.

To register for our classes or for more information, call (757) 886-6511 or e-mail

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