Monday, June 18, 2007

Upcoming TA Conference Call Hosted by AED

Upcoming TA Conference Call Hosted by AED

Promotion of Pre-teen Vaccines
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 at 2:00 PM EST

Kari Sapsis, MPH, Health Communication Specialist, Office of Health Communication, NCIRD/CDC
Natalie Nakahara, MFA, Creative Director, Information and Education Section, California Department of Health Services Immunization Branch

Call Description: This TA call will provide an overview of pre-teen vaccine campaigns at the state and national levels. CDC is preparing to launch a national pre-teen vaccine campaign in August 2007 that will reach out to parents of 11 and 12 year olds as well as healthcare providers. In preparation for the campaign, CDC conducted extensive formative research and materials testing with these populations in four states. Kari Sapsis of the CDC will present the research results and an overview of the campaign activities and materials.
The state of California organized a Pre-teen Vaccine Week this past January, with pre-teens themselves as the primary target audience. Natalie Nakahara of the California Department of Health Services will discuss the campaign activities and results.
By the end of this TA call, participants will be able to:

  1. Name the materials and activities that CDC is planning for its upcoming pre-teen vaccination campaign.
  2. Describe parents' and providers' knowledge and attitudes about new pre-teen vaccines, based on CDC's formative research.
  3. Describe activities conducted by the state of California for its Pre-teen Vaccine Week.

Registration: To register for this TA call, please email, with the subject line “Sign me up for the Pre-teen Vaccine Call.”

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