Wednesday, May 30, 2007

1-2-3 READ!

From our Friends at Smart Beginnings South Hampton Roads:

An exciting new initiative is underway in Virginia. 1-2-3 READ! Virginia is funded by the Virginia Department of Social Services' CCDF (Child Care and Development Fund) Infant and Toddler Targeted Funds through a contract with Child Development Resources (CDR). The program will provide training and follow-up on-site coaching to infant and toddler teachers in early care and education settings throughout Virginia in the use of 1-2-3 READ! 1-2-3 READ! is a research-based storybook early literacy curriculum developed by CDR that has been proven to result in children achieving significant, measurable gains in their language and cognitive development.

The program is now in the process of selecting, through an application process, a cadre of 20 Early Literacy Trainer/Coaches (ELTCs) from at least 10 geographic regions to implement 1-2-3 READ! Virginia training and on-site coaching in collaboration with CDR.

They invite you to be part of this new initiative. Check out their website, review the information that describes ELTC requirements and responsibilities, and if interested and qualified, submit an on-line application to become an ELTC. Applications are due by June 11, 2007 and successful applicants will be notified by June 15. Please feel free to forward this inforamtion to other colleagues who may be interested in becoming an ELTC. Please email the contact below for attachments.

If you have any questions, please contact (757) 566-2840 or or project director, Sheri Osborne, at 757-566-3300 or

-- Lisa McKean, Project Manager1-2-3 READ! VirginiaChild Development Resources, P.O. Box 6420, Norge, VA 23127-0280, phone (757) 566-2840 or email:

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