Friday, September 18, 2009


Hello Everyone!
We are planning a Richmond press conference on Wednesday, September 30th to launch the HEALTHCARE FOR ALL VIRGINIANS coalition! The event will be held in the State Capital building, around lunchtime. We’ll let you know the specific room and time when details are finalized. In the meantime – please SAVE THE DATE & PLAN TO ATTEND –and bring colleagues and friends to fill the room!
Our Coalition has grown to 46 organizations, representing a wide spectrum of interests!! If you know of any groups that ought to be involved, please invite them to sign up. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your support and patience as we’ve been preparing for our roll-out!
Jill A. Hanken
Staff Attorney
Virginia Poverty Law Center
700 E. Franklin St. Suite 14T1
Richmond, VA 23219
804-782-9430 x 13
804-649-0974 (fax)

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