Thursday, October 16, 2008

Building Members, Building Leaders Conference

Our 2nd Annual CINCH conference will be held on Friday, October 24th from 11:00 am to 3:45 pm at Virginia Sports Hall of Fame in Portsmouth. Registration is required. Contact for registration .This is going to be a fabulous conference that will offer training on coalitions and improving child health through collaboration: Some highlights will include:

  • Understanding Child Health Inequities and Social Justice, featuring Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michael Royster, MD, MPH, Director of Minority Health & Public Health Policy, VDH.
  • Child Health Inequities in Hampton Roads: What the data says.
  • Root Cause Analysis for Real People: What is it? How does it work?
  • Viewing the documentary "Unnatural Causes: In Sickness and In Wealth" and "Place Matters".
  • Members apply Root Cause Analysis in Hampton Roads.
  • CINCH in Action: Uncovering Root Causes of child health

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