Wednesday, November 28, 2007

TEEN SUBSTANCE ABUSE - Most Parents Can Accurately Assess Their Teens' Substance Use

Most Parents Can Accurately Assess Their Teens' Substance Use

Many teenagers may think they're getting away with drinking, smoking, or other drug use -- but a new study suggests that their parents might not be quite so in the dark about it. Findings from a novel study out of the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions show that most parents can accurately estimate their child's alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. According to lead researcher Neil B. McGillicuddy, Ph.D., "It seems that, despite a few exceptions, many parents do know the extent of their teenager's substance use. Parents can use this knowledge to help themselves cope with teenage substance use and the resulting stress on the family, as well as to begin conversations with their teen about making changes."
Read the full article at:

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